Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hawaii day twa.

This is my official second day on the rock. Yesterday was action packed! But kinda! I always forget how amazing this place really is. Warm smiles and over flowing love from all my past neighbors. I almost forgot what the sun felt like being in california for sometime this summer. I have no complaints though, any weather that seems to benefit my coffee addiction is A-okay! Looking out my ocean view window should motivate me to go jump in the water? Hmm..
I had not 1 but 2 starbucks this morning...feeling a bit strange at the moment. I think my brain is on over load. Im sure the anty behind the counter in Foodland didn't appreciate my hyper focusing on her eye brows...

ay ay rimba.

I stalked a friends facey and found this jewel.
Check it out! Beauty at its b e s t.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously amazing the beauty the Earth has to hold...that was so killer, I totally enjoyed that. Thanks!
    So funny about the coffee, I'm on overload from two of them today too. I'm hyper as is. Poor people around me today:)
